Soil Stabilization

There’s science in soils – yes, you read that right!

We offer a full range of soil stabilization and full depth pavement reclamation services. Stabilization methods include lime stabilization and soil cement. These offer a cost and time saving alternative to traditional mucking and filling methods.

In-place pavement reclamation incorporates the existing surface and base course into a consolidated structure that serves as the new pavement base course. This method can be combined with lime or soil cement in areas of marginal subbase to improve load-bearing capacity. Reclamation offers an economical alternative to removal and reconstruction.

Our fleet includes two Wirtgen 350 all-wheel-drive mixers, both with stabilization and reclamation capabilities. Support equipment includes all-terrain spreader trucks, and compaction and grading equipment as required – as always, this equipment is all owned and managed by Sanders Brothers Construction.

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